"SI Danube" is an international women's network along the Danube River. It belongs to the European Union of "Soroptimist International", the worldwide service club of professional women (founded in California, 1921). "SI Danube" came into being in 2018 in Ulm, Germany. The network includes SI clubs in the Danube countries from Ulm to the Black Sea. SI Danube promotes the exchange of women and supports women and girls in these European countries.
From 2017 to 2019, Soroptimists around the world were called to work on the theme of "water". The first conference of SI DANUBE in Ruse, Bulgaria, concluded the educational project "Danubius". Children are taught in a practical way and in cooperation with schools about the necessary protection of the natural environment of the Danube and about water quality. Further projects under construction are mutual visiting programs for women.
The clubs from the Danube countries want to promote European understanding between civil societies in the Danube countries on the basis of soroptimistic principles and goals. In the International Danube Festival program SI clubs actively participate in the popular "Bridge Breakfast" of the "Danube-Networkers" on the Herd Bridge in Ulm. This creates a symbolic bridge across the Danube with many contacts among Danube guests and locals.
Women of "SI Danube" clubs are connected in a special way - by the bond of the Danube and by the common values and goals they carry as Soroptimists. SI Danube aims to promote the acceptance of European values and civil peaceful coexistence in the communities along the Danube. SI Danube builds cross-border friendship and understanding among women. They work on joint projects.
The clubs from the Danube countries want to do project work together in a network. Their goal is to promote European understanding between civil societies in the Danube countries on the basis of Soroptimist principles and goals. A joint resolution describing the goals of the SI Danube network in more detail was adopted in Ulm in 2018. Regular meetings of SI Danube take place at the International Danube Festival in Ulm.
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